Yes! ATM Business Blueprint LIVE! is finally here! And I’d love to see you there!
This has been a long time coming and I really am super stoked to have you at this event.
Now I’m just wondering if you can handle hanging with me for 3 days? 🙂 Just teasing! I know you can….well I’m pretty sure you can, how’s that?
Early Bird Price – Just $997 (Save 66%)
Yes, I want to save 66% on my ticket to ATM Business Blueprint LIVE!
Here’s the deal though….your time is running out on the special price below! The event for June is 1/2 full already because I started letting new members in, so you’re special early bird pricing will be gone pretty soon!

You already know that I’m all about keeping the LIVE event small and intimate. I just feel it’s a better environment for you to learn. Plus, it’s easier for me, my team and my ATM Insiders Contacts to give you our attention and help you if the event is kept small. So, this year, the events will have 30 people or less in them. (I tend to know my members fairly well, so if I get a group of members signed up that I feel will vibe well together then I just may cut registration off for that particular event date.) It’s all about your experience and how I can help it be that much more outstanding, you know?
You’re getting an extremely affordable price, because well, you’ve already done business with me in one way or another and I just feel like we have a special bond already. I know that probably sounds corny, but hey, you know me? I’m not afraid of being corny. Ideally, I’d love all of my current members to come to the live event, heck if that happened, new members couldn’t get access to the event for a few years from now! lol (Can you imagine that?)
Early Bird Price – Just $997 (Save 66%)
Yes, I want to save 66% on my ticket to ATM Business Blueprint LIVE!
Seriously, I know not everyone that have became an ATM Business Blueprint member, or Cash Machine Profit Formula member or that own the Automatic ATM Profits ebook are going to want to join me at the live event and that’s ok.
But, I want you there and I want to make sure that folks that aren’t members yet don’t claim YOUR spot. Make sense?
At ATM Business Blueprint LIVE! you will:

Yes!!!! We are going to be creating the foundation for a successful future for you and your ATM business! Here’s what will happen during the 3 days at ATM Business Blueprint LIVE!
- That financial freedom blueprint of yours will officially be marked off of your to do list! *Time Saver* *Money Maker*
- You will create and complete all of your marketing so when you get home you actually have your leave behinds in hand for potential business owners *Time Saver*
- Your scripts will be customized for you and your personality. I know you most likely don’t talk like you are from Philly like I do. So, we’re going to make sure your scripts fit you and your personality so you don’t go around feeling uncomfortable because you sound like someone else instead of yourself! *Money Maker* *Confidence Builder*
- You will be role-playing with your new customized scripts. When you get home and it’s time to talk to real business owners you will feel so confident and ready that you may just get your first “yes” a whole lot sooner then other ATM business owners! *Money Maker* *Confidence Builder*
- You will leave with a list of potential locations for your ATMs. This is HUGE. I mean HUGEEEEE. This is like gold in your hand. Take this list home and then use it to put passive income into your bank account! *Money Maker* *Time Saver*
- How’d you like to speak to some of those potential location owners prior to leaving the event? You can do that if you choose to and that way myself and my team can help you when you’re on the phone should you get stuck! *Money Maker* *Confidence Builder*
- We’ll go over the contracts and forms you’ll be using in your ATM business so you will feel super comfortable and confident when it comes time for you to utilize them. *Time Saver* *Confidence Builder*
- You can meet, in person, my ATM Insiders Contacts. *Their availability will determine when they can come and to which event(s). *Connection Maker* *Time Saver*
- There will be tons of Q & A time, so don’t even worry about that. *Time Saver* *Confidence Builder* *Money Maker*
- You will meet other like minded people. Community? Friendships? Potential business partners? Hmmmmmmm. *Connection Maker* *Confidence Builder* *Money Maker*
- And much, much more will happen during our 3 days together
Whew. We’re going to get a lot done for your ATM business so that when you return home you can just kick major behind and get that passive income flowing effortlessly into your bank account for the rest of your life!
Early Bird Price – Just $997 (Save 66%)
Yes, I want to save 66% on my ticket to ATM Business Blueprint LIVE!
Oh and I almost forgot to mention……I may just have a special surprise up my sleeve as well.

Here are the Event Details:
There will be 3 events held this year. They will be held on the east coast and the west coast (maybe.) Seating is limited to 30 or less seats per event. (Now there are well over 250 ATM Business Blueprint members so you should be good with reserving a spot within that group BUT, remember, this event is now available to the public so your competing for a seat against my list of over 7,000 and with folks that aren’t even on my list yet!
What you’re going to want to do is reserve your spot NOW, even if it’s for an event time that’s later in the year. That way there is no risk of losing your seat.
The Dates:
Philadelphia, PA. – June 19, 20 and 21, 2015
West Coast maybe or East Coast TBA – Sept. TBA, 2015 (tentative)
West Coast maybe or East Coast TBA – Dec. TBA, 2015 (tentative)
The Investment:
Your investment to join me, my team and other like minded individuals who are looking to create a lifetime of passive income with ATMs is only $997!
Yep. Only $997 and you have me all to yourself for 3 entire days (well you do have to share me with the other attendees too, but it’s a small event remember?) Ask as many questions as you want, get as much feedback as you need, role-play with me, have me help you on the phone, have me help you target locations. And much, much more.
Did you know that my current phone consultation rate is $497.00 per hour? I’m not talking about strategy sessions here, I mean a real phone consultation. $497! And here I’m willing to spend 3 full days with you for 997 bucks just so I know you are going to get your ATM foundation set up and I know that you will be prepared to kick major butt when it comes to adding passive income from ATMs into your life! Crazy, right? (Just to put that in terms of time and money. Let’s say each day we are together 8 hours. 8 hours times 3 days is 24 hours time $497 an hour = $11,928!!!! That’s how much it would cost you if I charged by the hour for my time. Crap. I didn’t even think of it that way. $997 is a monster deal for you and your ATM business, for sure!)
When I ask folks “how can I help you make more money with your ATM business?“ it usually comes down to talking to business owners, finding locations and building confidence. And those are the main 3 things we are covering on our 3 days together!
If you have a support system in place with a spouse or friend or business partner then it’s probably a good idea to bring them as well. Each additional person can come for $297 as well.
Let’s make 2015 your best year yet when it comes to passive income from your ATM business!
By the way, if you have not placed your first ATM yet, then you SHOULD BE AT THIS EVENT! No question about it.
And if you already have placed an ATM, you are more than welcome to come to this event if you feel you need more help with finding locations, negotiating with business owners and with confidence (hey, you may even find some new friends, business partners or even private money lenders?)
Click the link below to reserve your spot for $997 now. After you click the link you will receive an email in which you will select the specific event dates you’d like to come to and then you’ll receive a confirmation email with all of that events specific details!
Early Bird Price – Just $997 (Save 66%)
Yes, I want to save 66% on my ticket to ATM Business Blueprint LIVE!
Looking forward to seeing you soon. This is going to be unlike any event you’ve ever attended! Promise. It’s just you, me, my team and my ATM Insiders Contacts. This is not a pitchfest at all. It’s a “Make Your ATM Business Kick Butt For The Rest Of Your Life” Fest (yeah, I made that up. Original, huh?)
Let’s do this. I’m here to help you. This event is for YOU. So come prepared to bring it and play full out!
May you live happily off of passive income,
P.S. If you just skipped down to the bottom to read the p.s., well here it is: you, me and my team for 3 days. Building your ATM business foundation and setting you up to crush it when you get home. No pitchfest at this event. Just you, me and my team. Come prepared to bring it and play full out. I’m going to be there to help you for 3 full days! Role-playing. Potential Location Lists. Marketing Materials Complete. And more. Click below to secure your spot (only 30 or less spots available per event this year.)
Click the link below to reserve your spot for $997 now. After you click the link you will receive an email in which you will select the specific event dates you’d like to come to and then you’ll receive a confirmation email with all of that events specific details!
Early Bird Price – Just $997 (Save 66%)
Yes, I want to save 66% on my ticket to ATM Business Blueprint LIVE!
P.P.S.Have you not secured your spot because you have a question first? No problem. Call me. Yes me. I answer my phone personally. Here’s my number: 484-994-ATM1 (2861)